Git, and GitHub


Git itself is a version control system, which allows you to manage changes to things such as computer programs (but not limited to), in a manner that allows you to both view a history of all changes, and collaborate with others much easier.

Git itself is not a huge focus of this bootcamp, other than using it to clone and commit, we will likely not be discussing a lot of its main features such as branching and rebasing, but since we're using GitHub to host our own code, and will be encouraging everyone to do the same for their own work, we will be learning a bit!

More information on the basics of Git can be found here.


GitHub, itself, is a website, it is not Git, but obviously by its title it has a lot in common with Git.

Explained best in this stack overflow answer,

Git is a revision control system, a tool to manage your source code history.

GitHub is a hosting service for Git repositories.

So they are not the same thing: Git is the tool, GitHub is the service for projects that use Git

As mentioned in the initial setup, creating a GitHub account is something we've already asked you to do.

GitHub themselves have a nice 'Hello World' guide on how to get started here.

Jack has already given multiple sessions on GitHub outside of this bootcamp, one of which can be found online here: